

InvestingLive in Bali: 5 Investment Opportunities

November 17, 2023by Marketing Sales0

Bali’s reputation is made from a long list: an abundance of natural resources, tasty foods, cultural charms, and so on, and it shouldn’t be wasted. It’s time to invest in Bali and turn your assets into profit. But is Bali a good place for real estate?

Indonesia’s government set out some rules that ease foreigners’ investment in Indonesia. Combined, the stable political environment and constant infrastructure development also make the island a perfect place to invest.

Among various channels to invest, one of the best ways to invest is by doing property investment in Bali. What other methods of investment are suitable to do in Bali? Here are some of the options.


Tourism investment in Bali

Tourism has been the main source of income in Bali for a long time. In fact, almost 4 million tourists have come to Bali in 2023, and it’s 231% higher than the previous year.[1]

Apart from that, tourism in Bali has also proven successful in overcoming various kinds of crises, such as the economic crises in 1998, the Mt.Agung eruption in 2017, and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. That’s why the island has so much potential.

For investment areas, Seminyak, Jimbaran, and Ubud are some of the safest options, as they already score many visitors. However, if you’re looking for the next rising star with cheaper land prices, Cemagi, Nyanyi, and Bingin are the next best things.

Real Estate

Investment in Bali's real estate

Is buying property in Bali a good investment? Yes. Along with the rising number in tourism, real estate investment is also thriving.

There are many opportunities you can grab just by getting yourself a resort or luxury villa. You can build it from scratch and then sell it back to the market, or you can rent it as a tourist’s holiday house.

If you’re interested in doing this investment method, it’s best to choose the most strategic spot. One of the most potential areas in Bali for real estate investment is in Jimbaran. The area is not too crowded, located near the beach, and close to essential facilities such as the airport, hospitals, and international schools.

The best investment you can get in Jimbaran is Natadesa. Natadesa is a resort residence located in Jimbaran Hill, one of the most sought-after areas of Jimbaran.

There are four types of housing you can get at Natadesa, all incorporating the charm of Balinese architecture, sustainable principles, and luxurious features. By getting a property at Natadesa, you’re actively participating in improving your rentee’s quality of life.

Villa Rentals

Villa rental investment in Bali

Among various types of real estate investment, buying a villa in Bali is the most promising approach. Aside from using it yourself, you can also put the villa for rent to gain passive income.

Many people choose to stay in villas over hotels due to the sense of privacy and freedom it provides. Compared to other residences, villas tend to have the same luxurious facilities as hotels, only more affordable. Moreover, it also accommodates large groups while also giving the rentee a sense of ownership.

Depending on the location, the ROI of villa rental in Bali can be as high as 20%. Therefore, it’s one of the best methods to invest money.


Agricultural investment in Bali

With the equator line crossing the country and plenty of volcanoes, Bali is blessed with natural resources. The island has the privilege of pleasant weather, fertile soil, and a large ocean to bring profit to investors.

Agriculture has been one of the highest contributors to the economy of Bali[2] and the three most significant commodities that make Indonesia’s GDP[3].

The biggest export commodity in Bali is fish and shrimp, followed by rice, corn, cassava, and peanuts. However, there are also other commodities whose popularity is starting to rise, such as coffee, tropical fruits, and goat milk.

The agricultural sector is a good option if you’re looking for a long-term investment. Aside from choosing the right commodity to develop, the key to faster profit in this sector is diversifying and using advanced technology.

Technology & Startup Scenes

Investment in Bali's technology and startup industry

The emergence of Bali’s tech and startup scene has been happening in the last decade, and it has grown even stronger in recent years.

There are many contributing factors to it. For example, Bali’s close proximity to Asia’s thriving markets like Singapore and China, the low living cost, the work-from-anywhere habit, and the number of visionary youngsters on the island.

Although there are still challenges regarding the regulations and infrastructure, Bali is rapidly gathering many skilful labourers from all over the world. So, if you’re keen on improving the world through technology, Bali is the place to start.

As the saying goes, the best time to invest was yesterday, and the second best time is now. So, don’t waste your time and invest in Bali now.


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